Thursday, February 12, 2009

Why I know God loves me personally

As parents, we are amazed when we have our first child. We look at them, touch them, kiss them, feed them and clean up after them. Most of all we love them. We have created a human being and though it is a daunting task, that love grows as they grow. If we are blessed with another child, our love for the first child is not lessened or split between the two. It is equally applied to the new child. Our love graciously grows. When I see the school pictures of Hannah and Luke, I am amazed at how much I love them and adore them. I told Luke this morning that I cannot imagine a father loving his children, and expressing it, more than I love them.

But I'm wrong. Based on the simple premise that there must be an "Intelligent Designer" that created the earth and therefore us, He must be much more powerful than me. It would therefore go that He would make a creature similar to Himself, but not infinite, sovereign or omniscient as Himself. And based on these two creations I've had a hand in creating, I cannot believe that He would not be concerned with everything they, and I, do. My faith has grown and changed in my life, but there is one thing I am sure about, that I can trust above all other things. That is that I have a perfect Father in heaven who cares about me, listens to my prayers and responds as He sees fit, not just because I want something. I believe I am a very good father to my children. I am intentional, I try to get better and I love them dearly, even when I have to discipline them. But I am so imperfect.
Luckily they have a perfect Father in heaven.
And He knows us and loves us. Imperfect as we are.

1 comment:

Bill Kozak said...

I can't believe those are the munchkins I used to play crabby patties and Mr. Weiss & Mr. Rusty with :P

You certainly are lucky to have such a beautiful family, Tom.