Monday, May 11, 2009

Next time you open your eyes, we will see each other again

My friend David Anderson died last night. He was the man who performed the wedding ceremony when Darcy and I got married. He was my friend Mark's father, but he was much more than that to me. We were friends. He always wanted to remind me that he considered me his fourth son. That was and is a great honor. We celebrated his 50th birthday party at my house. We had his son Mark's wedding reception at my house also. He was such a strong man of faith, humor, compassion and intelect that even my brother said he would attend church if David was preaching. I saw him in Phoenix on my way to a bike race last November. We spent a few hours together and they were so very special. His body was failing him, but his mind and his spirit were not.
David and I shared such great memories and laughter that they are too numerous to mention.
The strength of my faith and the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ assures me that David and I will meet again. Nobody is exactly sure what heaven will look like or what we will experience but the Lord will reunite us with those Christians that have fallen before us. I would like to believe that David will be in great health, sitting in a comfortable chair and then we'll share the stories that made us laugh so hard we'll cry. There are no tears of sorrow in heaven but I have to believe that tears of laughter are all around. Even more so since David is there.

1 comment:

revdma said...

Many thanks to the fourth son ... from the first one. I miss him too. Whoever gets there first, save the other a seat. I love you brother.