Friday, April 9, 2010

The Power of Prayer - The Power of being "Present"

I was asked by my friend Dave, a chaplain candidate in the Army Reserve, to pray for him during his last 10 weeks of seminary studies. It felt a little contrived since it was a requirement of his schooling to ask 10 people to pray for him, but I agreed, with the disclaimer that he'd doesn't know what I pray about. You see, the privilege that God gives us in brotherhood is the privilege to see others in a different light and to pray what the Spirit leads us to pray, not what they ask for or what we think they need praying about.

So I prayed. I prayed about his temptation. I prayed for his support. I missed a few days then I prayed on Wednesday that my friend would would find what God is really directing him to, what the Lord really wants to teach him. Nothing more.

Dave had a fellow blogger, a man he only met once, ask Dave if he was "up for some counseling as he was in need of some help. My reply? "Sure thing - what can I do you for?"

The key is that Dave was there for him if the man needed it. The man never responded to his e-mails. Dave picks the story up here. "... I was corresponding with him, and casually asked what had been going on that had prompted his original request, and his later expression of thanks."It was suicide," he told me. "You were there. That was enough. That was just enough."

The Power of Prayer - God gave me a glimpse of the power of praying for somebody and God's answer to that prayer.

The Power of Presence - God wants us to be there for each other so HE can work through us. His "presence" can work through us being "present" for other people. Small encouraging words, an offer of coffee, a beer. God wants us to be there for each other. My friend learned that advanced theological degrees aren't what God wants, he wants us to use that teaching to shape our hearts. To open them. To let Him use our hearts.

My friend is humbled today that God would speak to him, affirm that it is not our power to preach, to amaze others with our advanced Theological learning. No, God wants us to be there for each other with our heart open to Him so that His Spirit can speak through us.

Cool stuff. Godly cool stuff.

Dave's Blog -

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