Monday, March 10, 2008

Luke at the Doctor - The night before the battle starts?

I'm writing this after Luke's doctor's appointment on April 10th. Luke had a headache last week and I picked him up from School. Since we had gone BMX racing the night before, I surmised that his neck hurt because of using a heavier helmet than he ever had before. Luke is the only one in the family that gets headaches. Well that was last Tuesday and he was a little sick when we went camping. on Saturday. Again on Sunday he got a headache and then he had to get sick, but he felt getter after that. Wednesday he had a headache at school that turned into a large one after school. "My head feels like it's going to explode daddy!" After Motrin and a short nap, he was better. I was on the edge of taking him directly to the hospital, but the doctor said if it gets better bring him in to see us. On Thursday, the 10th, I brought him in. Unfortunately our doctor, Dr. Balch, was out so we saw Dr. Metsch. Normal check up except after they took his blood pressure, they left and then had the assistant come back in and check his pressure again. I knew that was a little strange. Dr. Metsch came in and explained that Luke's blood pressure was in the 95th percentile. High, but not high enough to to cause the headaches. He then asked Luke to urinate in a cup. Luke was pretty excited to do this and proud that he didn't spill! They did a quick analysis there and then the doctor came back. He said Luke's protein level as high in his urine and that there was blood in it. There was a look in the doctor's eyes that showed his concern. I saw it. He said he'd call me Friday and wanted my cell phone number. We went to another laboratory to have blood drawn. Luke wanted to watch her take the blood and was brave. A little boy, Brock, went first and said it didn't hurt much and that he only said one "ouch".

I've always had a fear, maybe a foreboding, that Luke was to be in a major battle in his life. I pray that he won't be and this post will not be published. If not, and we are to be in battle with Luke, I have prayed that we would be faithful to the Lord's teachings and His plan. These battles are here for a reason. I sat at Mission Bay last night before my swim and cried. For no known reason yet. Is the Lord preparing me? Is this the night before the battle? Will we be brave?

But Luke is fine.  Is there a battle in Luke's future?  Yes.  Do I know where or when that is? No.

Will we be Brave?  I hope so.

Will we be obedient to the Lord?


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