Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hannah and Tom visit Pittsburgh

Hannah and I spent a few days in Pittsburgh with my family. Hannah loved being with her cousins, especially Janice's boys, Liam, Declan and Kegan. I've been accused by some family in Pittsburgh (who shall remain nameless) that if you read our blog, you'd never know we had family in Pittsburgh. Well we do. We had a great time and Hannah was actually away from her mom for five days. They are so amazing close, at first I thought we had not cut the umbilical cord between them, in actuality, we must have replaced it with a bungee cord.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


We want you back, we miss you and have more things to show you. I even have an ant colony I started which I think you will like. The lightening bugs are here too!!

Love you and Miss you

Liam, Dec and Keegan